


Time to work.
仕事へ行く時間だ → ‎仕事行くか
Sixty thousand a month for chopping trees down.
‎(デンジ)木 切って 月収6万だろ
The kidney I sold is worth 1.2 million.
‎この間 売った腎臓が 120万
The right eye is worth 300,000.
‎右目が 30万
And one testicle…
‎金玉 片方売って…
How much did I get?
Was it less than 100,000?
So the remaining debt is…
Thirty-eight million forty thousand yen.

Let’s kill it.
I’ll get paid about 300,000 for every devil I kill.
‎悪魔を1体殺せば 大体30万
Be a Devil Hunter if you want to make big money.
‎(デンジ)やっぱ ‎デビルハンターが 一番 もうかるな
This thing is a tomato devil.
It resurrects from the seeds. Remember to burn it.
Well done, Denji.
‎(ヤクザ)よくやった デンジ
Its corpse can earn us a fortune in the black market.
‎こいつの死体を売りゃ⸺ ‎相当いい値になる
Your bounty is 400,000.
‎報酬は 40万だ
That’s 170,000, after paying your debt and interest.
‎借金と利子引いて 17万
And after deducting the agency fee, service charge,
‎さらに 仲介手数料と
‎事務手数料 管理調整費
and management costs…
‎さらに 仲介手数料と
‎事務手数料 管理調整費 ‎その他もろもろを抜いて…
Only 70,000 left…
And I have to pay the water bills and some other debts.
Now there’s only 1,800 yen left.
No food at home.
I’ll have to survive this month with the money I have.
‎今月は この金で
Pochita. We only have a piece of toast for today.
‎ポチタ 今日のメシ
Why would you hire that brat to hunt devils?
‎(子分)何で んなガキをデビルハンターに雇ってるんです?
He owes us a huge debt.
To be exact, his dead dad did.
‎正確には あいつの死んだ くそおやじのだがな
Is someone feeding a devil really a good fit for the job?
‎悪魔を飼ってるやつに ‎デビルハンターが務まるんですかねえ?
A licensed Devil Hunter
will never leave a devil’s corpse to us.
‎俺たちヤクザに 悪魔の死体 ‎流しちゃくれねえぞ
And a good thing about Denji is that he won’t fight back.
‎それに デンジのいいとこは 逆らわねえとこだ
Hey, dog.
‎(子分)おい 犬!
Eat this cigarette and I’ll give you 100 yen.
‎このたばこ食ったら 100円やるよ
Really? I’m doing it then.
‎マジっすか いただきます
I’ll call you when there’s another devil. If you dare run away, I’ll kill you.
‎(ヤクザ)また悪魔が出たら呼ぶ ‎逃げたら豚の餌だからな
Now we won’t have to worry about food for the next three days.
I heard
‎(デンジ)この間 聞いたんだけどさ
that people spread jam on the toast before they eat it.
‎普通 食パンにゃ ‎ジャム塗って食うらしいぜ
But a normal person’s life is something we can only dream of.
‎まあ 俺たちゃ 普通なんて夢の話だけどな
I probably can never pay off all the debts.
‎死ぬまで 借金 返し終わる気しねえし
And I most likely will never have a woman to date before I die.
‎俺は死ぬまで ‎女と付き合えねえんだろうな
I can’t ask them to come to this pigsty and I don’t have money for dates.
‎こんなボロ小屋にゃ 女 呼べねえし ‎デートする金もねえ
If my dream can come true, I want to hug a woman before I die.
‎夢かなうなら 女 抱いてから死にてえなあ
Kill yourself if you can’t pay the debt for this month.
‎(ヤクザ)今月の分も 払わねえうちに 首つりやがって
Brat, go beg, solicit, or whatever.
‎ガキ 物乞いするなり ‎体売るなりして
Just get me 700,000 before tomorrow.
‎あしたまで 70万 用意しろ
Or you’ll have to pay with your corpse.
‎じゃなきゃ お前の死体を バラして売る

It’s a devil.
If you want to kill me, make it quick.
I’m going to die anyway.
You’re hurt.
Are you dying too?[/sayit]
Bite me.
I heard that devils cure themselves by drinking blood.
‎悪魔は 血 飲めば ‎傷治るって聞いたことがある
Bite me if you want to live.
‎死にたくないなら 噛め
But my blood is not for free.
This is a contract.
I help you now, and you have to help me too.
‎お前を助けてやるから 俺を助けろ
So I don’t really want to die.
‎やっぱ俺も 死にたくねえ
How about hiring me as a Devil Hunter?
‎俺を デビルハンターで
My empty stomach is keeping me awake.
I think of the debts when I can’t sleep, and that sobers me up even more.
‎寝れねえと借金のこと考えて もっと寝れねえ
I’ve decided what dreams I want today.
‎決めた 今日寝たら見る夢
I’ll eat lots of toast with jam along with Pochita.
‎食パンにジャム塗って ポチタと食って
I’ll flirt with a woman
and play video games with her. And she’ll cuddle me to sleep.
‎一緒に部屋でゲームして ‎抱かれながら眠るんだ
Nice, isn’t it?
My mom died coughing blood as a result of a heart disease.
‎(デンジ)俺の母ちゃんさ ‎心臓の病気で 血 吐いて 死んだんだとよ
Denji, there’s a devil. Time to work.
‎(ヤクザ)デンジ 悪魔が出た 仕事だぞ
At least let me dream.
‎(デンジ)夢くらい ‎見させてほしいよな
Can a devil appear in such a place?
‎(デンジ)こんなとこに悪魔 出たんすか?
I don’t see it.
Is it hiding somewhere?
Or has it left?
‎あっ もしかしてもう帰っちゃったとか
Denji, we are grateful for your work.
‎(ヤクザ)デンジよ 俺たちはてめえに感謝してんだぜ

You obeyed every order like a dog. You did everything we asked for only a few nickels like a dog.
‎(ヤクザ)犬みてえに従順だし 犬みてえに安い報酬で働いてくれる
But a dog stinks and it disgusts me.
‎(ヤクザ)でも俺は ‎犬は臭くて嫌(きれ)えだ
We scamps also…
want to be stronger and make more money.
So we decided to sign contracts with devils, just like you did.
‎てめえみてえに 悪魔と契約することにしたんだ
We want the devil’s power.
‎(ヤクザ)‎俺たちが望むのは 悪魔の力
I want the Devil Hunters… to die.
‎(ゾンビの悪魔)僕が望むのは ‎デビルハンターの⸺ ‎死!

Seriously, these guys are so stupid and gullible.
‎マジ こいつらバカだよ ‎めっちゃバカ
I said I’d give them the devil’s power,
and they volunteered to be my slaves.
‎自分たちから ‎僕の奴隷になってやがんのな   ‎自分たちから 僕の奴隷になってやがんのな
Unfortunately, they became zombies because of that power.
That’s because I’m a zombie devil.
‎僕 ゾンビの悪魔だから
Devil Hunters want to kill us. They are the worst.
‎(ゾンビの悪魔)デビルハンターは僕ら悪魔殺すから 嫌い
So I have to exterminate them.
Everyone, tear him into pieces and throw him into the garbage.
‎(ゾンビの悪魔)みんな そいつバラバラにして⸺ ‎ゴミ箱にでも捨てちゃって ‎ゴミ箱にでも捨てちゃって
The exit…
Dammit. Let me go!
‎‎くそっ 放せ!
I never wanted to be rich.

I might get killed while fighting the devils..
‎俺は悪魔と戦ってるうちに 死ぬかもしれねえ
The only concern I have is Pochita..
‎そうしたら ポチタだけが心残りだ
You might starve to death.
or get killed by other Devil Hunters..
‎他のデビルハンターに ‎殺されるかもしれねえ
It’s said that some devils can inhabit a human corpse..
‎悪魔には死んだ人の体を 乗っ取れるやつもいるらしい
If you have that kind of power,.
‎ポチタに それができるんだったら
I want to give you my body..
This way, you won’t get chased around after I die..
So you can leave this town..
‎そんで この街を出て
And then….
I hope you can live like a normal person, and die like a normal person..
Can you realize my dream for me?.
‎俺の夢を かなえてくれよ

Did you successfully take my body?.
‎俺の体 ちゃんと奪えたか?
I like hearing Denji talking about his dreams..
‎私は デンジの夢の話を‎聞くのが好きだった
This is a contract..
I give you my heart..
And in exchange… Let me see your dreams, Denji..
‎代わりに デンジの夢を ‎私に見せてくれ
The wounds are gone..
What the hell?.
‎(ゾンビの悪魔)ん? どういうこと?
How can you still be alive after being cut into pieces? Why? Disgusting..
‎バラバラにしても生きてんの? ‎何で? キモッ
I hate Devil Hunters..
‎やっぱ 僕 デビルハンター嫌い
Everyone, go eat him..
‎みんな そいつ食べちゃって
These people were already living a rich life..
‎(デンジ)何で こいつらは 十分恵まれてんのに
Why did they still want more?.
‎もっと いい生活を望んだ?
But I’m just the same..
I was happy with Pochita, but I wasn’t satisfied..
‎ポチタがいる幸せだけじゃ 満足できなくて
I wanted a better life..
‎もっと いい生活を夢に見たんだ
Is that so? Everybody dreams..
‎そうか みんな 夢見ちまうんだなあ
Then it’s not a bad thing..
‎じゃあ 悪いことじゃあねえ
It’s not a bad thing….
but if you dare attempt to stop us,.

They devoured his body. Now he should be dead..
‎さすがに食い殺しゃ 死ぬだろ
That little devil took your body?.
Then we should be the same..
Don’t come close..
‎うああ… こっち来るな! ひいっ
Get out of my way!.
‎んっ 邪魔!

So you all.
have become devils even in your heart..
Since I was hired as a Devil Hunter,.
I should kill every last devil..
‎悪魔は ぶっ殺さねえとなあ!
Yes. As long as I kill every one of you,.
‎そっか てめえら全員 殺せばよお…
there will be no more debt!.
‎借金は パアだぜ!
Someone did the job for us..
There’s one left..
You have a strange smell..
‎君 変わったにおいがするね
Neither human nor devil..
‎人でも悪魔でもない におい
Did you do this?.
‎これ 君がやったの?
Maybe a devil took his body..
‎(部下)悪魔による 乗っ取りの可能性は?
No, his face is enough to tell..
‎(マキマ)ないね ‎乗っ取りは ‎顔見れば 分かるもん
We are Devil Hunters from the police. We are here to kill the zombie devil..
‎私は ゾンビの悪魔を殺しに来た
You have two options..
Either to get killed by me as a devil,.[/sayit]
‎悪魔として 私に殺されるか
or to get fed by me as a human..
‎人として 私に飼われるか
I’ll feed you three times a day if the latter..
‎飼うなら ちゃんと餌はあげるよ
Feed… Then what’s for breakfast?.
‎餌って… ‎朝飯は どんなの?
Toast with butter and jam..
‎食パンに バターとジャム塗って
Salad, coffee… Maybe a dessert..
‎サラダ コーヒー あと デザート… かな?
Isn’t that just wonderful?.